Monday, August 3, 2009

Tip Buy House


Cari atau beli hartanah (bangunan /tanah) pada harga rendah

  1. Pilih lokasi yang strategik, lokasi yang boleh jual semula. Jika anda beli kawasan yang anda sendiri tak mau duduk atau susah nak jual maka agak sukar anda mendapat untung yang banyak. Lokasi yang sesuai ialah berdekatan industri, dekat bandar, dekat kawasan pusat pengajian, ada kemudahan pengangkutan awam dan kemudahan infra yang lain.
  2. Hartanah yang anda beli, menepati kehendak undang-undang. Seperti tanah pegangan bebas, pajakan atau rizab melayu. Pegangan bebas mudah dijual semula.
  3. Boleh jual. Kalau anda beli bangunan dan sukar hendak jual, apa guna anda membeli. Bagaimana nak buat duit kalau sukar jual. Jadi kena hati-hati membeli hartanah.
  4. Membeli hartanah di bandar besar atau bandar yang sedang berkembang adalah suatu pelaburan yang bijak
  5. Kira pendapatan anda bulanan
  6. Kira perbelanjaan anda bulanan
  7. Maklumat harga belian, berapa bayaran muka dan berapa harus anda pinjam
  8. Kemudian anda perlu kira berapa bayaran bulanan yang perlu anda buat
  9. Tanya soalan kepada penjual, kenapa dia menjual, bila nak jual, kalau tak dapat jual pada tarikh tersebut, bagaimana. Jawapan yang anda terima akan memberi gambaran samada dia terdesak atau tidak.
  10. Dapatkan maklumat hartanah seperti berikut :
  11. Lokasinya sesuai atau tidak (alamat)
  12. Jenis hartanah, rumah teres, apartmen, rumah kedai atau banglo
  13. Luas lantai
  14. Bilangan bilik air, stor dan lain-lain
  15. Arah kedudukan, hadap matahari jatuh atau bertentangan
  16. Umur bangunan
Maklumat Tambahan

Maklumat geran seperti no PT, mukim, daerah, jenis hakmilik bebas atau pajakan, jenis kegunaan, berapa cukai tanah, cukai tafsiran dan CF.

Dapatkan maklumat pemaju atau penjual dari segi, Alamat, Telefon, Faks, no pemaju, harga diminta, baki pinjaman tertunggak, nama bank yang ia buat pinjaman dulu, bayaran bulanan yang ia sedang bayar, jangkamasa pemilikan, Rekod atau sejarah pemaju tersebut.

Periksa dari segi jalan masuk, keadaan rumah sebelum masuk dan anggaran pembaikan yang perlu dibuat. Untuk lebih detail anda perlu lihat keseluruhan bangunan yang hendak beli, seperti sistem paipnya, sistem najisnya, sistem elektriknya, keadaan lantai, dinding, siling, atap, bilik air dan sekitarnya. Jika terlalu banyak kerosakan anda harus memikir semula untuk membeli, kerana kos pembaikan adalah kos tambahan yang perlu anda tanggung. Carilah bangunan yang kurang bermasalah.

Lain-lain seperti bil elektrik dan air bulan lepas

Sunday, August 2, 2009




1. Syarat-Syarat Asas

Kakitangan Kerajaan berjawatan tetap.
Warganegara Malaysia
Borang permohonan dikemukakan 6 bulan sebelum bersara/tamat perkhidmatan.
Berkhidmat sekurang-kurang 1 tahun.
Telah disahkan dalam jawatan
Bukan seorang bangkrap @ siberhutang hukuman @ pemakan gaji tidak berkemampuan @ sedang dalam tindakan tatatertib.

2. Syarat-Syarat Pinjaman/Pembiayaan Bagi Pembelian Harta Kedua


Melalui Surat Pekeliling Perbendaharaan Bil. 10 Tahun 2005 yang berkuat kuasa mulai 1 Januari, 2006, semua Anggota Kerajaan yang telah selesai hutang pinjaman pertama adalah dibenarkan membuat permohonan pinjaman perumahan untuk membeli harta kedua bagi semua jenis Pinjaman Perumahan Perbendaharaan (Jenis I, II, III, IV dan V ) tertakluk kepada syarat-syarat seperti berikut :-

(i) Kelayakan pinjaman harta kedua adalah seperti berikut:-

(a) Pegawai bertaraf jawatan tetap dan berpencen.

Jumlah pinjaman atas baki kelayakan semasa iaitu amaun perbezaan di antara kelayakan semasa dengan pinjaman pertama dan tertakluk kepada ansuran bayaran balik bulanan tidak melebihi 50% dari anggaran pencen yang akan diterima.

Bagi menentukan kelayakan pinjaman berdasarkan ansuran bayaran balik tidak melebihi 50% dari pencen, kaedah pengiraan pencen adalah seperti berikut :-

1 X Gaji pokok semasa X 300 bulan.

(b) Pegawai bertaraf jawatan tetap dan mencarum kepada KWSP.

Jumlah pinjaman atas baki kelayakan semasa iaitu amaun perbezaan di antara kelayakan semasa dengan pinjaman pertama.
(ii) Bayaran Wang Proses adalah RM 2.00 bagi setiap RM 1,000 pinjaman yang dipohon tertakluk kepada tiap-tiap ribu ringgit yang hampir ( RM 500 dan ke atas dikenakan tambahan RM 2.00 )
(iii) Tempoh maksima bayaran balik pinjaman adalah 20 tahun bagi peminjam yang berpencen. Bagi peminjam yang mencarum kepada KWSP pula tempoh bayaran balik adalah terhad kepada umur persaraan wajib.
(iv) Bagi pinjaman jenis IV ( Pembelian tanah untuk tujuan mendirikan rumah di atasnya ) kelayakan maksima adalah tidak melebihi 50% dari kelayakan semasa dan tempoh maksima bayaran balik adalah 10 tahun
(v) Peminjam diwajibkan mengambil Insurans/Takaful Gadai janji dan Insurans/Takaful pemilik rumah kediaman yang disediakan oleh Pihak Berkuasa memberi pinjaman.
(vi) Kadar faedah Bayaran Balik Pinjaman adalah 4% setahun.
(vii) Permohonan hendaklah sampai ke BPP tidak lewat dari 6 bulan sebelum tarikh persaraan bagi peminjam yang berpencen sahaja.
(viii) Borang setuju terima pinjaman hendaklah dilengkapkan dan dikembalikan kepada BPP dalam tempuh (3) bulan dari tarikh surat kelulusan pinjaman dikeluarkan. Sekiranya borang tersebut tidak diterima dalam tempoh yang ditetapkan kelulusan pinjaman perumahan tersebut akan ditarik balik / dibatalkan secara automatik.
(ix) Syarat-syarat dan peraturan lain sepertimana yang terkandung di dalam Pekeliling Perbendaharaan Bil. 10/94 dan Bil.6/95 masing-masing dan pindaan-pindaan kepada kedua-kedua nya adalah tidak berubah dan masih berkuat kuasa dari semasa ke semasa.

3. Syarat-Syarat Pinjaman/Pembiayaan Bagi Kerja-Kerja Ubahsuai Rumah


i Permohonan membuat pinjaman / pembiayaan untuk kerja-kerja ubahsuai rumah hanya dibenarkan bagi harta yang telah dibeli melalui pinjaman / pembiayaan perumahan perbendaharaan sahaja.

ii Permohonan hanya boleh dibuat selepas 5 tahun dari tarikh surat kelulusan bagi pinjaman / pembiayaan Jenis 1 dan Jenis V ATAU 5 tahun dari tarikh pengeluaran bayaran 95% / 100% dikeluarkan bagi pinjaman / pembiayaan Jenis II dan Jenis III.

iii. Pemohon atau ‘spouse‘ ( bagi pinjaman / pembiayaan bersama ) yang masih mempunyai tunggakan bayaran balik pinjaman / pembiayaan tidak layak dipertimbangkan.

iv Permohonan pinjaman / pembiayaan bagi kerja-kerja ubahsuai rumah hanya dibenarkan sekali sahaja.

v Amaun pinjaman / pembiayaan adalah perbezaan di antara kelayakan semasa (mengikut gaji hakiki) dengan amaun yang telah diambil atas pembelian harta terdahulu, tidak termasuk Perlindungan Takaful / Insurans Gadaijanji dan Pemilik Rumah.

vi. Bagi pemohon yang memilih skim jawatan tetap dan berpencen, tempoh maksima bayaran beliau adalah tidak lebih dari 25 tahun.

vii. Bagi pemohon yang memilih skim jawatan tetap dan mencarum KWSP, tempoh maksima bayaran balik adalah baki tempoh berkhidmat sebelum tarikh umur persaraan wajib.

viii. Pemohon hendaklah melantik Pemegang Pertaruhan dengan mengemukakan Akujanji Pemegang Pertaruhan seperti Format Borang 4A/2000 ( Kes Assignment) atau 4B/2000 ( Kes Gadaian ).

ix. Pemohon hendaklah mengemukakan Laporan Penilaian kepada Pejabat Penilaian dan Perkhidmatan Harta, Kementerian Kewangan di mana harta berada mengikut Format Borang 1/2000.

x. Jika Hakmilik telah dicagarkan kepada mana-mana Institusi Kewangan selain daripada Kerajaan Malaysia sebagai Pemegang Gadaian kedua, pemohon perlu mendapat surat pengesahan daripada Institusi Kewangan berkenaan terlebih dahulu yang bersetuju untuk menangguhkan gadaian bagi membolehkan Kerajaan Malaysia didaftarkan sebagai Pemegang Gadaian Kedua dan institusi kewangan berkenaan sebagai Pemegang Gadaian Ketiga.

xi. Bagi Kes Assignment, jika Hakmilik Individu / Strata telah dikeluarkan, pinjaman / pembiayaan untuk kerja-kerja ubahsuai rumah hanya boleh dipertimbangkan setelah Hakmilik Individu / Strata dipindahmilik kepada nama peminjam / penerima biaya dan digadaikan kepada Kerajaan Malaysia.

xii. Bagi kes bayaran balik pinjaman / pembiayaan perumahan yang sedia ada yang belum lagi diselesaikan sepenuhnya, skim pinjaman / pembiayaan sama ada SPPP atau SPPPI hendaklah mengikut skim pinjaman / pembiayaan yang sedia ada.

xiii. Kerja-kerja ubahsuai rumah hanya boleh dimulakan selepas surat tawaran kelulusan pinjaman / pembiayaan dikeluarkan oleh Bahagian Pinjaman Perumahan Perbendaharaan.

xiv. Permohonan ubahsuai rumah bagi pembiayaan bersama (SPPI), hendaklah dipohon secara bersama oleh suami isteri.

xv. Permohonan hendaklah sampai ke Bahagian Pinjaman Perbendaharaan ( BPP) tidak lewat dari enam (6) bulan sebelum tarikh bersara bagi pemohon yang memiliki skim jawatan tetap dan berpencen.

xvi. Tawaran pinjaman / pembiayaan hanya berkuatkuasa selepas peminjam / penerima biaya menyempurnakan Borang Setuju Terima Pinjaman / Pembiayaan (Lampiran E) dan dikembalikan kepada BPP

xvii. Pinjaman kerja-kerja ubahsuai tidak dibenarkan untuk pembelian ataupun pembinaan aksesori rumah.

Real Estate Agent


We, MKS Realty are Registered Valuers, Estate Agents, Property Managers and Property Consultants. Our aim and vision is to be a global and professional real estate consultant and to always offer our best services to our clients.

We are currently on a mission to expand our Agency Department to be ready for exciting opportunities and developments in the property world. We are looking for individuals who have a passion to excel and who are ready to take the challenge of offering their best.

If you are a goal-driven, service-oriented entrepreneur who is serious about success, then a career with a MKS REALTYcompany is the right choice. Here you are more than a real estate agent -MKS REALTY-affiliated Sales Associates are supported with access to leading education, systems and tools that will provide you and your customers an advantage through the real estate process.

To source and list properties for sale, rental and investment
To present, negotiate and close the sale and rentals of properties
To follow through with the transaction and offer value added services to clients
To participate in Project Marketing for developers for sales of new development
Commission based
We provide full office support, advertising and on the job training.

Real Estate Agent:

Above 18 years of age
Minimal SPM/STPM qualification
Computer literate
Possesses initiative to learn
Good communication skills
Fluent in English and other dialects
Sales experience preferable

Senior Real Estate Agent:

Above 18 years of age
Minimal SPM/STPM qualification
Computer literate
Possesses initiative to learn
Good communication skills
Fluent in English and other dialects
Sales experience preferable
Already involve in Real Estate Agency

Branch Manager:

Above 18 years of age
Possesses initiative to learn
Good communication skills
Fluent in English and other dialects
Registered Estate Agent with Board of Valuers, Appraiser and Estate Agent.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Taman Kemajuan Kangar Perlis

About 1km from center of Kangar

View Larger Map

Desa BayanMas

DESA BAYANMAS is advantageously located next to the North-South Highway, the Malaysia-Thailand Customs Complex and within easy reach of major townships such as Changlun, Jitra, Kangar. Its favourable locale ensures convenient access to essential amenities such as C-Mart shopping complex, convenience stores, hospital, clinics, post office and banks. The Politeknik Jitra, UUM, primary and secondary schools are also all within a few minutes' driving distance.

This major project, which also includes commercial units, promises appreciable market value while providing quality housing options to please differing budgets and requirements.

Developer License No. : 10926-1/04-2012/327
Validity : 16 April 2009 - 15 April 2012
Ad & Sales Permit No. : 10926-1/744/2010(04)
Validity : 16 April 2009 - 15 April 2010
Plan Approved By : Majlis Daerah Kubang Pasu
Plan Reference No. : MDKP(B)339/12-376(20)
Land Encumbrances : Charged to OCBC Bank
Bumiputra Discount : 5%

Sales Contact Person:-
Contact Person : Sales & Marketing Team
Phone No. 1 : 019-5745800
Phone No. 2 : 04-9249800
E-mail :

Location Map

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Housing at Selangor

Property Infomation



Seksyen 8, Kota Damansara

Jenis Hartanah


Pangsapuri 15 Tingkat



Dari 964 - 1418 kps



Dari RM 205, 000

Other location and more infomation please contact:

Bahagian Perumahan,
Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor,
Ibu Pejabat,
Persiaran Barat, Off Jalan Barat,
46505 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

No. Tel
03- 7954 3333

Factory cost

You can refer this link below:

Please click here

Kondomonium Cost per M2 at Kuala Lumpur

Cost (USD) % Pice USD per M2
KL Kondo To Buy Rent (Month) Yeild To Buy Rent (month)
70 m2 133,910 942 8.44 1913 13.42
120 m2 163,920 1259 9.22 1366 10.49
160 m2 246,560 1843 8.97 1541 11.52
200 m2 398,000 2328 7.02 1990 11.64
250 m2 518,000 3050 6.49 2072 12.2
Gross rental yields in Kuala Lumpur generally stayed in the same range in 2008 as in the previous year, at 7.47% on average for condominiums. However Kuala Lumpur yields are very affected by the unit size. Smaller units of less than 200 sq. m. generate higher yields, the highest average yield being 9.22% for 120 square metre properties . The largest properties have the lowest yields, at 5.11%.

Average gross yields on bungalows have declined this year to an average of 3.86%, down from last year’s average of 4.35%. The lowest average yields are 3.48%, for 575-sq m houses.

Source : Global Property Guide

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

4 Tip in property investment

Ration in each new advise to consider the condition and location, at least do a little study and the comparison area. before you begin to fight, I think it's good you consider the four factors below;

1. To know how the modeling and the cost will be affect property . Make sure that first job-a job you can do yourself and the work in the form of need from the other party.

2. Location and the invention of the home are the two most important things to consider. Servey sorounding factor, the commercial space (so easy to buy purposes) and the general public transportation.

3. To property type of apartment, you actually make a profit if you want to buy property. Not if you want to sell it. So make sure you acquire the price before bid felt appropriate.

4. You must pay propety is maxima can and as long as the loan is justified. Resurfacing property differed with any type of resurfacing, for a little more from the pocket money that we spend more property it to you.

Although it is easily visible, but sometimes we wrong view. His only, purchase property not only involve finance factors but emotional factors sometimes affect the mind of all the logic and rational self-selection in the property

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Type Of Housing



Low cost apartment

Single storey housing

Double storey


Semi D double storey

Low Cost Housing

Malaysia Housing Developer List

or click

Ministry of Housing anda Local Goverment

House Buying Guide

Some Important Aspects for House Buyers

Before you decide to buy a house, ensure that:
* The housing developer has a license and it is still valid.
* The housing developer has an advertisement and sales permit and it is still valid.

Determine the House Type

For landed property such as bungalows, semi-detached houses and terrace houses, the expected date of completion is 24 months from the date of signing of the Sales and Purchase Agreement.

For subdivided building such as condominiums, flats, apartments and townhouses, the expected date of completion is 36 months.

Buyers are advised to obtain from the housing developer the complimentary brochures with all the pertinent information about the project such the development's licence number, and advertisement and sales permit.

Land Status

Please ensure whether it is:-

* Freehold land - it is in perpetuity
* Leasehold land – check the number of years left
* Malay Reserve

* The status of the land can be checked at the Land Office or the State Land Registrar.

Brochure Information

Brochures are given free by the developers. Please ensure the brochure has the following information:-

1. The Housing Development’s License number and the expiry date;
2. The advertisement and sales permit number and the expiry date;
3. Name and address of:
1. the licensed housing developer
2. authorised agents (if any)
3. those holding power of attorney (if any)
4. the project management company (if any)
4. Land status
1. Freehold
2. Leasehold – number of years left
3. Encumbrances – whether the land has been mortgaged to the bank for a loan
5. Location description
1. building material specification
2. size of building
3. amenities/services
6. Name of housing project (if any);
7. Expected date of completion;
8. Price of each type of house;
9. Number of units for each type;
10. Reference number of the approved building plan and name of the local authority.

::: The rights of buyers must be understood as contained in the Sales and Purchase Agreement as per schedules G and H of the Housing Development (Control and Licensing) Regulation 1989.

First Payment

The first payment of 10 per cent must be made upon signing of the Sales and Purchase Agreement. Please ensure the date of signing of the SPA and the date of first payment are the same.

Be aware that the housing developer is not allowed to collect any form of payment without a Sales and Purchase Agreement being signed.

Architect Certification

Make sure any demand by the developer for instalment payment is supported by a certificate duly signed by an architect or a certified engineer.

Interest on Late Payment

If the buyer or end financier for the buyer fails to pay the developer the progressive payment/instalment within 21 working days from the date of the written notice of payment from the developer, the buyer will be charged an interest of 10 per cent per annum on the instalment not paid.

Termination of the Sales and Purchase Agreement

Be aware that failure to make the progressive payment or interest charged on late payment for a period of more than 28 days will give the developer the right to terminate the Sales and Purchase Agreement. The developer must serve the notice in writing by AR registered post of its intention to terminate the SPA.

Infrastructural Maintenance Fee

Buyers must pay the cost of maintaining the infrastructure from the date of vacant possession till the date the responsibility is taken over by the local authority or management corporation (in the case of a subdivided building).

Infrastructure is defined as:

* For land and building - Road, driveway, drains, sewerage, pipelines and sewerage tank for the housing development
* For subdivided building - Road, driveway, drains, sewerage, pipelines and sewerage tank for the building

Maintenance and Management Fee

From the date of vacant possession the buyer shall be responsible for paying for services such as:-

1. For land and building
1. Refuse removal, upkeep of drains and grass-cutting on the road reserves.
2. The buyer is responsible for such payment until such responsibility is taken over by the proper authority.
3. The buyer must pay a six months’ deposit upon being handed vacant possession for the services to be rendered. After six months, if the services are still not taken over by the relevant authority, any subsequent payment shall be payable on a monthly advance.

2. For subdivided building

1. Payment is for the cost of maintaining and managing the common area and payment starts when vacant possession is handed over.
2. The buyer shall pay one (1) month’s deposit and three (3) months’ advance in respect of the maintenance service charges and any payment thereafter shall be payable on a monthly advance.
3. Maintenance fee must be paid to the developer from the date of vacant possession up until the formation of a management corporation under the Strata Title Act 1985.
4. Once the management corporation is formed under the Strata Title Act 1985, maintenance services will be handled by the management corporation and the buyer must pay the maintenance fee to the management corporation and not to the developer.

*Reminder:- Maintenance fee must be paid as long as the buyer owns a parcel in the said maintained building.

Sinking Fund (For subdivided building only)

The buyer shall upon the date he takes vacant possession of the said parcel contribute to the sinking fund an amount equivalent to 10 per cent of the service charges.

The buyer shall pay one (1) month’s deposit and three (3) months’ advance in respect of the service charges to the sinking fund and any payment thereafter shall be payable on a monthly advance.

Payment of Quit Rent, Rate Assessment, etc

From the date of vacant possession or date of assignment, whichever is earlier, the buyer is responsible for the quit rent, assessment, rate payment and other charges relating to the property bought.

Vacant Possession

Vacant possession on the building complete with water and electricity connection must be handed over within 24 calendar months from the date of signing of the SPA for landed property and 36 calendar months for subdivided building.

Regulation and Rights of House Buyers during the Handing over of Vacant Possession Ensure the property is free from any encumbrances before accepting notice of vacant possession.

If the developer leases the land or the property, the developer must settle the balance payment before handing over vacant possession.

Conditions that must be followed by housing developers:-

1. Certificate from the developer’s architect stating that:
1. the building is completed
2. water and electricity are ready for connection
2. The developer has applied for:
1. the issue of the Certificate of Fitness for Occupation (CFO) through Form E *
2. the local authority has issued a notice stating that Form E has been checked and accepted by the relevant authority.

* Form E is an application from the developer’s architect to the relevant authority for the issue of the CFO.

The buyer is entitled to enter into occupation of the property only upon issue of the CFO by the relevant authority and renovation may be carried out only upon issue of the CFO and approval of the plan by the relevant authority.

While inspecting the building, any defect is recorded and handed over to the developer to be rectified. Make sure you obtain a copy of the report.

The buyer is entitled to claim for late delivery from the developer.

If the developer fails to deliver vacant possession of the building as stipulated by the SPA, it must pay damages calculated on a daily rest, 10 per cent per annum of the purchase price.

Defect Liability Period

The defect liability period is 18 months after the date of vacant possession.

Creation of Management Corporation for Subdivided Building

A management corporation will be created once the strata title of each individual parcel is issued to the owners.

Other functions of the management corporation include insuring and maintaining the building.
by Ministry of Housing and Local Government

Construction Industry In Malaysia

The building and construction industry encompasses housing, commercial, and infrastructure development. This sector comprises various fields including architecture, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, quantity surveying, land surveying, building contracting, and landscaping, among others.

Ninth Malaysian Plan - Chapter 18 that emphasizes the importance of improving the infrastructure, utilities and urban transport which is tied-in with the construction and engineering industry in Malaysia.

Infrastructure and utilities development will be undertaken through the coordinated efforts of several ministries and agencies. Road development will be undertaken by the Ministry of Works. Transport-related projects including road safety will be undertaken by the Ministry of Transport. The Ministry of Energy, Water and Communications will spearhead water supply and sewerage services development while the Ministry of Rural and Regional Development will undertake the development of rural roads.

Click on the links below for more information:

  • Grants and Funding
  • Property Tips

    1. Buy at low prices

    50% success lies in the beginning of this step. If there successful purchase on the bottom of the market price, this is the a valuable bonus to you.

    2. Selecting the appropriate location and the best

    He is the most important factor in the resurfacing real estate or property. Example in his house or buy a house keeper. Location will determine the the triumph of sales and price factors will determine the value high on property you. Location is valued as almost to the harbor, there is ease of infrastructure such as roads, schools and the central part purchase, the future development berpontensi forward and the nature of factors.

    Important things that people will choose the location of the work is, area of housing adjacent factory, the central harbor, schools, research center, officials officials to be sure the demand will be high.

    3. Status of the land legislation

    You must know who the owner of land and must know the status ownership and no claim to land private concerned. Checks may be made in an official soil with pay yuran spy. You need to make sure the land is free from preclusion law or 'sekatan'. Category of land must be correct. If the land is home, does not have to build the house

    4. Sale must be original

    Property you buy must be for money, it is behavior for sale and there is value in relation hartanah. If you buy home, you can sell at high prices and can make a fortune property from it. As you think you have to buy it can make a fortune in the 2 years of your purchase dates.

    This is the strategy in buying a home, house keeper, property apartment or the other.

    ADDITIONAL TIPS TIPS BECOME A millionaire Property

    1. Buy from Developer
    2. Build and rental
    3. Build and sell
    4. Buy from them are forced to sell
    5. Exchange Buy land and land status
    6. Venture invention join by Developer
    7. Making company as developer to build and selling your property
    8. Management Company to manage property and land development
    9. Property rent
    10. Buy from auction property

    Saturday, July 25, 2009

    Meaning Of Real Estate

    Real estate is a term in use in some countries, especially in the United States of America, English, Canada, Australia and includes the land along with building on the land, such as a house, shop, hotel, and any other development in that location. Real Estate is also wrapped around the laws and regulations in the countries concerned. In Malaysia for example, have local Goverment Act, Certificate of building, road and Drainage act, Developer housing act and so forth. Real estate is often considered as a symbol of wealth.

    Development of the country also have something related to the development of real estate, such as the development of the home, officer, shophouses, shopoffice, apartment, hotel and other development on the land concerned.